Organized Conversation
Discussions can be organized in channels or topics. Create as many topics as you want with your counselor and keep your discussion organized.
Integrated file share
Share as many files as you want with your counselor using the chat feature. Share files right within the chat UI and keep your discussion in context.
for reference
Bookmark important messages for future reference and review and organize yourself based on it.
Quick access to counseling
Quick access to counseling services within chat UI. We make this simple for clients.
File Management
The key to a great service app is to manage and store your files securely in the cloud.
High def image viewer
As a counselor, we know you would like to be thorough, no matter how large the image your client sent.
Flexible Upload
Yes, we know the network drops here and there and yes, Kounsel takes care of it, without making you re-upload.
Share files with your clients or counselors. Share from the Cloud or just a new upload from your phone.
Send an email to a counselor's Kounsel email. When the message is received, attachments will be added to the app.
In life, we're always juggling 100 things at a time. Kounsel will help you make the best use of your time.
View your counseling session events by month, day, or week.
Book an appointment to make sure your time is guaranteed with a counselor. You can start by requesting an appointment with a counselor, and then a counselor can accept, reject, or propose alternative time slots.
File Share
Make an appointment with your counselor and share files within the app.
Have more questions?
Contact us anytime at